Estonia Has Better Internet Freedom?

According to the study by Freedom House, Estonia has more internet freedom than The U.S. or Britain but the number of users are higher in the latter two countries. The countries in recent war news are about average for Internet penetration and freedom. What would it take to improve the freedom of speech in these countries through social media, broadcast radio, TV and writing? Does America really shine above the rest in Internet freedom when you have companies starting to request access to your Facebook account before hiring, or request you "tone down" the type of content you tweet if you will be working with them? Social censorship is not a concept.

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Right to roam

Nine of the 15 countries that the Washington-based think-tank assessed in 2009 fared worse this year, among them Iran, Tunisia and China. On the plus side, citizens are growing increasingly adept at sidestepping these threats to their internet freedoms, and the use of social media did much to galvanise political opposition across the Arab world in recent months. Indeed web-users in some countries, such as Georgia and Estonia, have more freedom now than they did two years ago.


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