Nakeva's Microblogging Updates

A dose of Nakeva's communication engineering!

  • 15:38 "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." --Walt Disney #
  • 15:53 Hulu Will Charge in 2010 But Will Consumers Pay? - #
  • 16:49 I know! I like Hulu and seems they will be launching a paid pkg like any website. RT @LAGurl: why? when we have itunes. #
  • 16:50 @Aerocles Thanks for RT on Hulu Will Charge in 2010 But Will Consumers Pay? - (I thought it was interesting surf news) #
  • 00:58 @dallisonlee Thanks Deb. Very close to being back a t 100% and running. I owe you something, no thanks to my email system. Now I know why. #
  • 00:59 @KnowMeLoveMe Yep. Mission accomplished. One kid ready for outdoor trip with school. The master packing expert is done. Glad to help. #
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