Nakeva's Microblogging Updates

A dose of Nakeva's communication engineering!

  • 20:00 News: @HuffingtonPost Passes @WashingtonPost .com in Unique Visitors, in September | Editor & Publisher #
  • 20:05 'NYT' and 'Wash Post' Battle? Have Different Versions of Brauchli Statement on 'Salons' #
  • 20:17 @KnowMeLoveMe have fun with @knoxvillepixie and get some pics of Annapolis! #
  • 20:18 Ahh, Thanks Darlin'! RT @DCeventjunkie: #FF @nakeva @nightlifepr ... first on the DC social media nightlife scene and a sweetheart #
  • 20:20 This IT She-geek is oncall & about to do evening systems ch ecks. Enjoy your Washington Post newspaper tomorrow :) What's Your Fav section? #
  • 20:21 @JayHostDC Hay thanks for the #FF shout. I was down on that front yesterday. Having a great weekend despite the rain? #
  • 20:23 You are a 311 groupie LOL! I need a trip to NY! RT @311ThevenSol: I really need to fast forward about 4 1/2 months!!!! #311Day2010 #
  • 20:24 @kellyanncollins KAC!!! Been missing you like missing a left hand ;) You are rockin DC Power Players :-) #
  • 20:26 Finally! A few photo sets are back from media/wire review and I can get them uploaded. Hopefully London takes the fashi on shots! #
  • 20:57 @SocialMtgExpert That Notre Dame/USC game was brutal in the end! So close, at least Notre Dame took it to the max every last second. #
  • 20:58 That took me a minute // RT @SocialMtgExpert: THOUGHT: When the newspaper closed, the staff felt de-pressed #
  • 21:22 @SocialMtgExpert I just knew Notr Dame would do a classic 4th Qtr comeback. Get 'em next time Jimmy! Great game. What did the 9 y.o. think? #
  • 21:23 @SallyAlbright Thx for the RT. What's going down for your Saturday night? DC Nightlife or hanging tough at th e computer? #
  • 21:26 @SocialMtgExpert ND is my team but love watching USC specifically for that hustle. They almost gave the win to ND at the end. #
  • 21:26 @SallyAlbright Three events sounds awesome and Busy! I'll look for that invite. Going to the Fashion Washington party Monday? #
  • 21:33 @KnowMeLoveMe Nice! Chippendales and Margaritas. Can't wait to see your fun tweetup adventure! #
  • 21:39 @SocialMtgExpert Haha, you have jokes tonight :-) Need to run off for a bit. Check back with ya in a bit. #
  • 23:02 Cyber warfare: Sound the alarm or move ahead in stride? #
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