Nakeva's Microblogging Updates
A dose of Nakeva's communication engineering!
- 12:53 @LilyMazahery Woo! Pho does sound like a good choice for today! #
- 13:06 That Monday thing. Headed for Coffee. (@ Washington Post in Washington) #
- 15:23 Trying something new! Lite white berry with cherry. (@ Caribou Coffee - 15th & M NW in Washington) #
- 15:27 @twitpic wondering why this photo,, didn't post when I 1st sent it...Had to do a manual send. #
- 15:32 @gundamwing4132 Hey, not sure of anyone selling a Nikon SB-800 Flash right now. But this update should ping an answer from my network ;) #
- 15:32 @DCeventjunkie What did you get @Starbucks? Nwo I'm ready for late lunch :) #
- 15:46 @DCeventjunkie thats a packed punch in a quick cup. Maybe your name should be "EspressoEventJunkie", LOL! #
- 16:11 @KnowMeLoveMe LOL! "...Is it 5 yet? I'm ready wine thirty" Its 5 oclock somehwere :) #
- 16:11 Ya think? RT @chrisabraham: RT @d avewiner: I bet Google buys Dropbox. #
- 16:35 That coffee was crazy! (@ Washington Post in Washington) #
- 18:39 Lima and Lotus closed. MonDaze. Next best: DC Coast! (@ DC Coast in Washington) #
- 20:22 Pumpkin spice is nice before my photo gig :) (@ Starbucks - Rosslyn Metro in Rosslyn VA) #
- 20:31 One photo shoot coming up! Yay. (@ Bennett Park Attrium in Arlington, VA) #
- 01:03 Dinner with @BeckysFund founder and a supporter. Small World. Thx Becky! (@ Rhodeside Grill) #
- 10:20 Good Morning lovely world. Hoping my 11yo lil rockstar is feeling better soon. Kissing the sun. #
- 10:31 Via @blacksnob Don't Ask, But Do Tell (On How To End "Don't Ask Don't Tell) #
- 10:34 Yes, I liked and had to reuse :) RT @DCeventjunkie: @nakeva Ah ya like that 'MonDaze' eh?!! #
- 10:34 RT @nbarron: I'm battling @nakeva to be mayor of 15 & M St. Caribou Coffee. Thinking I might have to start going there every day and che ... #
- 10:36 @nbarron Hmm, a friendly battle of @foursquare Mayorship? Too bad they aren't on the incentive plan to get us cool giveaways! But I'm game! #
- 10:37 RT @KnowMeLoveMe: @nakeva dude dropped his keys staring at me when I walked into store. He said to tell my "man" he's a lucky dude. So b ... #
- 10:38 @KnowMeLoveMe Darn skippy I'm a lucky "dude" to have ya! ROFL! At least the guy gave a compliment ;) Hug the LiL Zman 4 me. #
- 10:39 @DCeventjunkie Events come and go and even I can't make them all! Its in your blood beautiful, no name changing ;) #
- 10:41 Woah. Have to read this when bak @ me 'puter -RT @wusa9: Ohio Wife, Husband Both Battling Breast Cancer #
- 10:44 @unmarketing: "When u realize you're in the same coffee shop as another tweeter" // nakeva says: that's when you get on @foursquare ;) #
- 10:46 @DCeventjunkie I'll review your impressiveness on LinkedIn and see who I know to get you that new day gig. Somone is missing your talent! #
- 10:47 RT @andrealeighdc: cleaning up t witter and fb today. privacy settings are a great thing. // yes they are! #
- 10:48 RT @kstreetkate: Think Pink AND BLUE. Men support breast cancer, too: #
- 10:49 Off to work and off Twitter grid. No txting and driving. Tweet ya later! #
- 10:51 unmarketing: @nakeva sure, if @foursquare was in Toronto, I'd use it // Shame on them LOL! I work around it for my city, but Toronto is far #
- 11:35 On that Tuesday thing. Let's go! (@ Washington Post in Washington) #
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