Nakeva's Microblogging Updates

A dose of Nakeva's communication engineering!

  • 13:46 Happy Friday Eve (@ The Washington Post in Washington) #
  • 13:57 Buzzd Is An iPhone App Built For Party Crashing (And a Blackberry App) #
  • 14:01 @doctorklein Same here. Plan in place and impromptu wins. I keep going :) #
  • 14:01 RT @cheeky_geeky: Powerful essay to "the women in tech saying there's no women in tech" by @dailypatricia - #
  • 14:16 Fun! "I Love Rubbermaid!" Sweepstakes - Enter to Win! /2vlSH7 #
  • 14:18 I need to visit The Container Store and Rubbermaid! Fall cleaning/prep for holidays requires storing kids toys or Santa has no room. #
  • 15:20 @Inger haha! No, not storing kids in rubbermaid...yet. (just kidding) :) #
  • 15:21 Zelaya Shoes Contest:RT for a pair of Fit in Clouds!1Winner will be randomly selected 10/3/09 & announced! #
  • 15:21 Funny thing if you see me in heels...must be Halloween. #
  • 15:22 @shoeguy7 How is the contest going for Z elaya Shoes? #
  • 15:23 @DJWhoKnew Hey! I've been doing well. What's new in your world? New tracks? I haven't put out any new tracks since last year. #
  • 15:25 RT @dccharity: DCC post: Save the Lids!: Save Lids to Save LifesBreast Cancer Awareness month .. #
  • 15:25 Oh yeah, FLU shot? Done! Not sure about H1 N1 yet. #
  • 16:09 @KnowMeLoveMe That woudl be a funny conversation. Maybe me in heels could be a new marketing idea, LOL! #
  • 16:10 @thefabfactor Going thru all the invites for Halloween, no set plan yet. Apparently it invloves heels, which I stopped wearing at 16 ;) #
  • 16:29 @thefabfactor Haha, I bet you do want photos of that! I'll let ya know ;) #
  • 18:49 RT @thebeltway: Texting or Tweeting in Maryland now is illegal, The law carries a maximum fine of $500 #
  • 18:54 #DC From #fox5 Man Shot at 16th & K #
  • 19:05 RT Toni-Lynn - Still need 152 Comments! Help me get $1000 donated to @FeedingAmerica (no cost to you!) is.g.. #
  • 19:06 @Toni-Lynn Done! Re: Help me get $1000 donated to @FeedingAmerica #charity #
  • 19:14 RT @MariSmith: "The 3 big money-makers that will revolutionize your business: Products, marketing & relationships... #
  • 19:29 RT @nightlifepr: "We Dared To Dream", a final event for 7P - 10P. Going to miss HDSF #charity #nonprofit #
  • 19:41 RT @OhMyGOFF: @wusa9 on scene now where woman drove car into whole foods on Wi sconsin. @glamazondiaries on bus stuck in major jam #
  • 21:54 RT @tweetmeme BREAKING: Texas Judge: Ban On Gay Marriage Unconstitutional | The New Civil Rights Movement #
  • 22:07 RT @tweetmeme Google Wave crashes on beach of overhype #
  • 22:58 @putitaway Hiya! I've been busy per usual. Went to a wedding, a few photo shoots, events for friends and nonprofs, making life fun. And you? #
  • 22:58 @Lemur6 Yes not exactly. One judge made a statement on banning gay marriage and now the attourney general will a ppeal. #
  • 01:55 Twitter Is Launching Shared User Lists! #
  • 04:50 #NightlifePR News: Panorama Productions and Integrate Nightlife and Social Media #
  • 04:50 #NightlifePR News: DC Event: Taste of Georgetown Oct 10th #
  • 11:22 Happy Friday!!!! (@ The Washington Post in Washington) #
  • 11:35 @KnowMeLoveMe yes! Friday. Love ya and ready for the weekend. #
  • 11:37 RT RT @OhMyGOFF BREAKING NEWS: Chicago is eliminated in first round of voting for the 2016 Olympics -AP. I'm anchoring... ... #
  • 11:46 ++ Wow ++ RT @aplusk: Girl + school + REAL job = an end to trafficking. #
  • 11:50 Geat Photos Messay ++ RT @messay: Pictures from Fiest DC 2009 - Latino Festival in Washington DC #
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