Nakeva's Microblogging Updates
A dose of Nakeva's communication engineering!
- 17:53 Breaking News - 2 metro trains collide at Ft. Totten Stop... live updates next #fox5 (RT @syancyfox5) #
- 17:54 Breaking news: 1 person killed in metro collision on redline train @ Ft. Totten stop #fox5 (RT @syancyfox5) #
- 18:17 RT @katyadams Metro Train Crash: Watch Live Video from the scene: #
- 18:18 RT @washingtonpost Report: At Least 2 Dead, 9 Injured in Metro Collision #redline #
- 18:21 My journey home on metro tonight is going to be interesting. My prayers to those in the dc redline metro crash. #
- 18:30 @BuddytheJack thanks for thinking of me. I hope all the #dcmetro riders will be ok. #
- 18:31 @dchughes I'm watching CNN and following my Twitter circle. Says redline for my directin home should be good with 30 min delays. #
- 18:32 @nutzareus I recently went back to taking metro. This is one of the reasons I stopped, however, the #dcmetro makes it possible 4 me 2 work #
- 18:32 @KnowMeLoveMe I was going to call and see if you wanted to drive out, but that traffic is just as crazy! #
- 18:58 RT @OhMyGOFF: RT According to DC EMA, all passengers have been removed from the trains (@metroopensdoors) #
- 21:35 I'm at Germantown - #
- 21:41 @KnowMeLoveMe Thanks for the pickup and fun ride home with the kidos! #
- 21:54 Video: Passenger: "We went flying'" #DCmetro crash on @AndersonCooper 360 #
- 22:45 @KnowMeLoveMe What?! I will NOT be a bridezilla,ev-ah! ROFL! There will be a wedding planner for all that. I do checklists and spending. #
- 22:46 @dchughes Got your tweet after I made it home. No 916 tonight, but another time :) #
- 22:47 @Inger Quote coming up just for you ;) #
- 22:53 @andrealeighdc Sorry I missed your tweet the other day. I guess you had a night in on Saturday night? #
- 22:57 "Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace.. #
- 23:15 @KnowMeLoveMe ROFL! I bet it would be fun to watch you run the show. #
- 23:16 @DCeventjunkie Nice! Would love to see the quality of video on the new iPhone 3GS. #
- 23:24 @kellyanncollins Yeah, Owen Wilson was at his table next to bar. Trust me, he was surrounded by girls buying him drinks. VIP Backwards! #
- 23:25 @Januaryd Dream a little dream... #
- 23:29 @spam Please check my friends account, @THEflyGIRL. These are not her normal tweets and I can't reach her to let her know the acct is comp'd #
- 23:31 @AlbrightDC How long are you back in DC? #
- 23:33 @LITONEVENTS Good to see JB, Joe W, Liton and a few others on Friday. Even ran into Mr. Primo Productions himself! What's up next? #
- 23:36 @kellyanncollins So much fun Friday w/you, K.Murdock, Jessica Junkette-Jessie and of course my girl, @knowmeloveme Did U see pics on FB? #
- 23:40 RT: @wusa9 Nine Dead In Metro Train Collision Near Fort Totten Station: #
- 00:16 Thx @LindseyMastis - Even if you drive-- expect delays. Here's the outlook for traffic tomorrow: (via @dcalerts) #
- 00:54 @Inger Glad you liked the quote. About to call it a night and be ready for the commute in for work tomorrow. #
- 00:58 Night all. Sending out the vibes of stamina, compassion and love to the men & women handling the DC Metro crash scene tonight. #
- 10:42 I'm at Washington Post Co - #
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