Experiments In Social Blog Space
Writing, blogging and sharing thoughts that generate conversation is at the center of today's digital world. A number of choices exist for platforms to setup shop and start talking. Top choices, in my view, include: Blogspot (Google), Wordpress, Tumblr and maybe Posterous (now owned by Twitter and not a word about next plan of action). If you like a pretty layout and free themes you can't edit, go for Wordpress. If you like blogging on the go with more of social feel go for Tumblr. If you like an in between blog that allows unlimited media space (image uploads, easy media embedding, etc) and can deal with free themes or boxed themes, then go for Blogspot. Each platform presents its pros and cons based on personal taste, intended audience and ability to grow. I have gone through this scenario a few times and really feel Tumblr is the best option for me in terms of decent free or paid themes, ability to add third-party integration like Disqus or Google Analytics, unlimi...